
We usually consider the appropriate color tones and shades, aesthetic and graphical components, applicability to the business or related industries, feasibility, and the capacity to express the corporation’s objective when it comes to logo designs, and most of us overlook one very pertinent distinction or point. Undoubtedly, the logo is a graphical portrayal of a brand’s purpose and perception, but it’s still a visual expression at the end of the day.

What should be done?

Graphic and Logo design agencies and their clientele generally fail to comprehend this reality and tend to not employ their logo designs as a source of web traffic generation and sales. Corporations invest huge amounts of money on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase brand recognition, yet logos are frequently overlooked as positive instruments in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Clients are looking for photos in vast numbers as well, hence search engine optimization isn’t only limited to locating websites and pages.

Whenever somebody wishes to see anything in an image file format/type, they tend to go to Google Image search and see if there is anything that reflects or suits their mental image, and the same is applicable for logo designs. An enterprise may certainly utilize Google Images to optimize their logo so that it appears at the top in the results pages for a diverse but consistent selection of search terms and keywords. This is the same as when webpages, websites, and blog posts are optimized for Google search, and if you’re going down this route, why not optimize logos as well?

Google’s Image Search module now incorporates deep learning, making it simpler for businesses to optimize their logo designs. When it came to optimizing for Google Images, alternative texts used to matter since this section of the search engine worked the same as the rest, – in other words – searching for keywords and phrases. Still it applies, but deep learning has granted it the additional power of being able to detect the picture itself and include it in the search outcomes based on relevance.

For instance, if you manage an athletic association and have a logo design that depicts a person sprinting, while you optimize your webpage or website for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your logo can also help you attract web traffic from Google image search since it reflects or complements your industry.

Whenever people searching for imagery linked to athletics and sports in the community you operate, or the latest batch of sportsmen from the same vicinity, they will find your company logo shown in the search engine results.

Possessing a distinctive and relevant logo design with an aesthetic value that is related to your corporation’s fundamental operating field will undoubtedly assist you to rank better in image search results on Google.  Google’s AI for Image search might be even more optimal and beneficial if your logo design typography and visual elements are readable and simple. While having your logo design developed, keep it as simple as possible so that the search tool has a good chance of finding it in its image section if it receives a specific search phrase or term.

Google has explained in one of its blog posts that Google images search assigns separate entities to images instead of depending on text files to ascertain categories in which to differentiate images to classify them. For instance, even though Apple is both a fruit and a flagship brand across the world, the photo search will not be puzzled in the least and will have separate identifiers to accommodate both image pairs.

Businesses with logos could have the perception that they symbolize obscurity, and that the imagery or elements depicted in logo designs are modified or complicated to accommodate aesthetic fervors, rendering them inadequate for Google’s images search to detect and index. However, this is not the case.


Why must you not allow logos to assist you in boosting your company’s sales when they can do so simply by going through a comprehensive cognitive process while creating the logo design? This will enable you to have better access to a greater number of potential clients than you would not have otherwise. Concluding our article, the existing rules and norms advice that you optimize the visual aspect of your logo design for Google images search more than anything else since you absolutely need your logo to perform for you and return your expenditure at the very least, if not more.